Department of Psychiatry

Overall aims specific to teaching psychiatry are;
1. To provide students with knowledge of psychopathology, the main psychiatric disorders, commonly used treatment methods and the
    basis on which to continue to develop this knowledge.
2. Assist students to develop the necessary skills to apply this knowledge in clinical situations
3. To encourage students to develop the appropriate attitudes necessary to respond empathically to psychological distress in all medical settings.

Our mission is to conduct world-class research, teach psychiatry to medical students, develop future researchers in our graduate programme,
teach doctors in training, promote excellence in clinical practice, and develop and provide innovative clinical services.

Address: SAITM, Millenium Drive, New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka
Authoriser: CEO, Chairman
Maintainer : Webmaster - SAITM
South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine [SAITM]:(+94)11 241 3351
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