Department of Forensic Medicine

The Forensic Medicine & Toxicology module is conducted during 3rd year of the MBBS medical degree course. This will be the only opportunity for you to learn about the medico-legal issues, medial law and ethics and responsibilities of doctors in general and to learn forensic medicine and toxicology as a subject, before you start to practice medicine. This module is designed for you to gain the basic knowledge and skills in Forensic Medicine required for a doctor to function as a forensic medical practitioner in the government service. Further it includes progress indicators which will enable you to assess yourself during and at the end of the module.

It is important for you to read the instructions carefully and understand them and achieve the learning outcomes at the end of the module required of you. If you encounter any difficulties, you are at your liberty to seek help, assistance and advice from the members of the academic staff of the department of Forensic Medicine.

Our Aim :
To enable students to identify and manage medico legal and ethical issues in medical practice in general and Forensic practice in specific with emphasis on those prevalent and applicable to Sri Lanka.

Address: SAITM, Millenium Drive, New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka
Authoriser: CEO, Chairman
Maintainer : Webmaster - SAITM
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