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Way to South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine [SAITM]

South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine
P.O Box 11, Millennium Drive,
Off Chandrika Kumaratunga Mawatha,
Malabe, Sri Lanka.

t: (+94) 11 241 3351 or (+94) 11 241 3331   |  f: (+94) 11 241 3332   |  e: info@saitm.edu.lk

Notice Board

Visitor Number : Hit Counter by Digits since 15/10/2011 
Address: SAITM, Millenium Drive, New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka
Authoriser: CEO, Chairman
Maintainer : Webmaster - SAITM
South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine [SAITM]:(+94)11 241 3351
the first 'green campus' in Sri Lanka More information
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