Department of Clinical Medicine | Courses and Services

The department conducts the following teaching activities for medical undergraduates
   - Daily ward round teaching
   - Clinic based teaching
   - Ward classes
   - Demonstration and refinement of clinical examination techniques
   - Lectures
   - Small group discussions
   - Skills training sessions
   - Grand ward rounds once a week
   - Case scenario based training on medical emergencies complemented with exposure to patients in the
      emergency treatment unit and intensive care unit

Services to the Community
   - Daily medical clinics
   - Weekly specialty clinic
   - Inpatient care in the medical ward with 24 hour casualty on take every day
   - Specialised diagnostic and therapeutic facilities like upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy, exercise ECG,
      Holter monitoring and echocardiography
   - Free care provided for patients with good teaching material that are of a low income category

Address: SAITM, Millenium Drive, New Kandy Road, Malabe, Sri Lanka
Authoriser: CEO, Chairman
Maintainer : Webmaster - SAITM
South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine [SAITM]:(+94)11 241 3351
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