Department of Biochemistry


Biochemistry is the study of the interaction between the non living molecules and living organisms. These interactions are basically chemical reactions that obey the basic rules of Chemistry. All the reactions are connected in a way that a reaction follows another. In other words, they are organized in to “pathways”. In Biochemistry, they are referred to as “metabolic pathways” and they do not just occur at random but are controlled to take place when and where required.

The human body consists of about trillion cells (3×1013) and billions of biochemical reactions are occurring in a very controlled manner within us at any given time to keep us alive and healthy. Disruption of any of these reactions either by an internal defect or an external agent can manifest a disease. Furthermore, such a knowledge can facilitate the understanding of the manner in which a drug or drug combination works to bring relief to an individual affected by a disease.

The academic staff of the Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry will provide you with the necessary knowledge of Biochemistry to enable you to understand a healthy life as well as disease processes to enable you to function as a scientific medical professional.

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